
One of the most consequential and personal decisions a photographer can make is what camera, lenses and other gear to choose. Whether you are an aspiring photographer, a beginner or a more experienced photographer seeking to level up, professional photographer Bob Warren will share critical information to help you make the right choices for your needs. Includes guidance on assessing your photographic gear preferences as well as a review of camera parts, assembling a camera kit, major and third-party manufacturers, the used camera market and new gear on the horizon. 

Course Details

Bob Warren, M.L.A., is a professional photographer with more than 30 years of experience in still life, fine art and documentary photography. He has taught classes in studio lighting, portrait photography, and Adobe® Lightroom and Photoshop. Mr. Warren holds a master’s degree in liberal arts from the University of St. Thomas. 

This course will be delivered on campus/in person. Classroom and parking information will be sent prior to your course start date.

  • Assessing your personal gear needs and preferences
  • Understanding the parts of a camera
  • An overview of major camera and camera gear manufacturers and third-party manufacturers
  • How to assemble a camera kit
  • Buying and selling in the used camera market
  • New gear (and newly affordable gear) on the horizon

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